This is a short, quick and rough document to get you started with mapping for Thievery. It is assumed that you have UnrealEd experience already.
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Thievery textures
There are a great many custom textures created for Thievery. These both look good, and have their correct footstep surface sounds set properly. You can find them in your /Thievery/Th-Textures folder. Their names are fairly self-explanatory, but you should check them all out in the texture browser to familiarise yourself.
Thievery Sounds
There are many custom sounds created for Thievery. You can find them in your /Thievery/Th-Sounds folder. Their names are fairly self-explanatory, but you should check them all out in the texture browser to familiarise yourself.
A note about sound. To prevent sound going through walls all the time, Thievery uses the pathfinding database to check if you can hear a sound. Therefore, your levels will have to be pathnoded for the sounds to work properly. AmbientSounds will still go through walls, use the alternative, DynamicAmbientSound if you want one which uses the pathnoding. Ensure the level is well pathnoded, areas without pathnodes will not hear sound properly.
Construct your map as you would normally. Check the Prefabs included in the mapping pack (note, there are also mesh versions of these in ThFurniture.u). There are some considerations you must take into account when building architecture however - we have changed the eyeheight in the game to be higher, so you will have to build your maps to be more Thiefy and human sized. For example, a normal sized door would be about 64 UnrealEd units wide, and 128 high. Also, if you have moved from DromEd, you might be interested to know that 16 UnrealEd units can be translated as exactly 1 DromEd unit. (About 1 foot high)
Further notes on DromEd versus Thievery differences can be found here:
Lighting is of paramount importance in Thievery. Thieves must have shadows to hide in, and be able to neutralise some lights. For more information, read the lighting tutorials.
The thieves will randomly spawn at the PlayerStarts (Actor->Navigation->PlayerStart). The number of PlayerStarts determines how many lives the Thief team has, i.e. if you have 5 playerstarts, a single thief can spawn 5 times, or 5 thief players can spawn once.
The human guards take control of an AI when they spawn. So placing 5 AI guards on the map will give 5 human spawns. See the AI section below to see how to place these.
Note, for the ThiefMatch gametype, the thief players spawn on the ThiefMatchPlayerStarts instead.
Clicking the test button in UnrealEd won't test the map properly (it uses the wrong .ini files). Instead you'll have to load Thievery with the shortcut installed in your start menu, and go to start a Solo game, selecting your map. I recommend testing your game with the Guards Vs Thieves gametype normally.
There are two main categories of items. Note, weapons are meant to be bought in the store at the start of the game, do not place them on the map.
ThieveryPickupThis can be found under Actor->Inventory->Pickup->ThieveryPickup. It is meant for any items which go into the inventory for later use. This includes keys, potions, food, flashbombs, etc. Simply place them on the map and the player will be able to pick them up by frobbing them.
This can be found under Actor->Decoration->ThieveryObject. This wide ranging group consists of decorations, loot and other misc. items. They are split into categories:
ThObjectContainers - Barrels, crates, etc.Note, all ThieveryObjects will trigger their Event when frobbed. Useful with things like ThObjectGizmosAndPlumbing->ThSmallSwitch to control doors and lights, etc.
If you place some decoration items and then rotate them, you may need to adjust their CollisionRadius and CollisionHeight to match the new shape.
Find more about ThieveryObjects on this page.
A seperate tutorial deals with how to place regular and randomised loot.
The AI can be found under Actor->Pawn->TBaseBot->TBot. The recommended AI to use is the TKnight, found in Actor->Pawn->TBaseBot->TBot->TSoldier->TGuard->TKnight.
Simply place the TKnight on the level and he will stand guard in that position. If you want him to patrol, place TPatrolPoints (Actor->NavigationPoint->TPatrolPoint) along the route, linking them with their Tag and Event properties in the order you want the bot to go. Bring up the bot's properties, and in the TBot section, set his Orders to "Patrol" and his OrdersTag to the Tag of the TPatrolPoint you want him to start at.
A quick start guide on the AI can be found in the Quick Start AI Guide.
There are many more AI settings and features for you to play around with. For more information, take a look at the TBot script (double click on TBot in the Actor Browser). It is very well commented, with notes for each property. For more information, contact Joel (
Check the objectives tutorial for a comprehensive guide to adding objectives to your map.