v1.0 - 6th July 2002 - Dalai
This trigger will send a text message out in a variety of styles, either to the person who triggered it,
their whole team or everyone playing. The writing can be made to appear and disappear with a number of styles.
The text will automatically wrap over lines and such. ThieveryTextTrigger can be found under Actor - Triggers - Trigger.
Here is a brief rundown of its properties:
- MessageText - The actual text of the message.
- MessageTime - How long the message will stay up for.
- MessageFadeTime - How long the message takes to fade out.
- MessageX - the left hand side X coordinate of the message, from 0 to 1280.
- MessageXMax - the right hand side X coordinate of the message, from 0 to 1280.
- MessageY - the Y coordinate of the top line of the message
- MessageColor - the colour of the text
- MessageAlignment - whether the text is left aligned, right aligned or centered.
- bExclusive - (not implemented yet)
- MessageType - who the message is sent to.
- MessageFont - the font the message uses.
- LetterFadeTime - how quickly an individual letter will fade in and out, if using a per letter anim style.
- LetterDelay - time between each letter appearing, if using a per letter anim style.
- MessageAnimStyle - style in which the message appears/disappears.
- SpaceTag - messages sharing the same SpaceTag shift each other down to make room for new messages.
- TextEndEvent - this event is triggered when the text message ends (clientside only)